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10 Ways to Make Sure You Are Never Unemployed

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Just so no one can ever justly accuse Cosmopolis of not investing – at least a little bit – in human capital, here’s a list of 10 ways to make sure you’re never unemployed (prepared by Career Opportunities News. Ferguson, an imprint of Infobase Publishing, whatever that is):

1. Continue your education. Take at least one course each year to improve your work skills. Your employer may even pick up the tab.

2. Keep Current with New Technology. Make a point to study, and master, the new technology entering your field. Hopefully you’ll end up as the person fellow workers turn to for assistance.

3. Dress for Promotion. Keep up-to-date with changes in fashion, even if it means relegating some of your favorite older items to Saturdays. Being better dressed than the average helps you stand out.

4. Be Sensitive to Diversity Issues. Develop and demonstrate your expertise in working with minorities, people with disabilities, older workers, and both men and women. Rating forms often measure achievements in this area.

5. Pick a Mentor. Develop close working relationships with one or more successful and advancing executives. Support that person and your loyalty may be rewarded.

6. Solicit Feedback. Make sure your work is valued and you are placing the emphasis on what the employer wants. If annual reviews are not held, meet to discuss your progress with your supervisor at least annually.

7. Locate the Right Career Path. Note the kinds of jobs the top people in your organization held on their way up. What career paths did they take and how can you follow them?

8. Become Versatile. Learn as many different jobs in the organization as possible. This will help you avoid being downsized and can be of great assistance when you get promoted.

9. Volunteer. Speak up when opportunities arise to work on special projects. You may learn new skills, make useful contacts, and earn points with your supervisor.

10. Participate in Professional Activities. Become known in your organization and your field by working with employee groups and professional organizations. The more people you know, and who know you, the better off you are.

Written by mindarson

February 26, 2009 at 10:50 pm